Slough Support Services

We have collated some Slough services, general and specialist, to help those affected by domestic abuse.

They include services for victim-survivors, but also for family and friends, and children living with domestic abuse.

If you would like further information about Domestic Abuse support in Slough, please visit the Slough Council website

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 999

Domestic Abuse Support Services

hestia-logo NEW colours Blue - UK SAYS NO MORE


For help and support, Hestia provides a specialist domestic abuse service in Slough, including outreach support for individuals across East Berkshire. This service will provide practical and emotional support to women, men and children who are victims of domestic abuse via:

  • Adult 16+ Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy Service (IDVA)
  • Outreach support (including specialist provision for BAMER groups)
  • Group-based support

Helpline: 01753 477352

Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

Slough holds monthly MARAC meetings to provide risk assessment for people living with domestic abuse. At this meeting, information is shared on the highest risk domestic abuse cases between representatives of local police, health, child protection, housing practitioners, Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs), probation and other specialists from the statutory and voluntary sectors.

If a client is identified as being as high risk the case should be referred to the MARAC via your agency’s Designated MARAC Officer (DMO).

If you do not have a DMO within your organisation, please contact our Domestic Abuse Partnership Co-ordinator Rachel Axtell on or call 01753 477352

MARAC training is run three times a year for experienced practitioners in Slough. For training dates or to book a course please email or call 01753 875771

Berkshire Domestic Abuse initiative shortlisted for national award - Thames Valley PCC


A service providing therapeutic support for victims of domestic abuse with additional emotional or psychological difficulties in East Berkshire.


Services For Children

Slough Children First | The Link

Children First

Children affected by domestic abuse may suffer long term psychological effects and may require specialist support.
If you suspect a child is experiencing domestic abuse at home, this should be immediately reported to Slough Children’s Trust.

Phone: 01753 875362

Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB)

Legal Services

Domestic Violence & Abuse · Emergency Injunction Service

National Centre for Domestic Violence

A free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors of domestic abuse and violence regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation.


Phone: 0800 970 2070

Housing and Homeless Services

Service for Vulnerable Adults

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NSPCC Adult Helpline

If you are concerned about an adult being abused or neglected in West Berkshire, raise a safeguarding concern to get help. Please contact the Safeguarding Adults team within working hours for a member of staff to deal with your concern, alternatively, you can email.
Phone: 0808 800 5000

Specialist Services

Charity rebrand – David Carroll & Co

START Slough Treatment, Advice & Recovery Team

Phone: 01753 692548

Slough Sexual Violence Service (ISVA)

Phone: 0800 221 8186
Website: Slough Sexual Violence Service (ISVA) 

The Female Genital Mutilation Helpline

Phone: 0208 960 4000 (Ext 1)


Slough is currently recruiting an initial sixty Domestic Abuse Champions from all professional backgrounds. In addition to their substantive role, they will provide a network of expertise around supporting Slough agencies, practitioners and clients suffering with domestic abuse.

These DA Champions, once trained, will be a source of reference to their organisation and peers by cascading learning and awareness; a point of contact between agencies to ensure a stronger multi-agency approach and also a means of identifying best practice, issues, problems or hurdles facing victims of domestic abuse within our local strategy.

If you are from Slough and have already registered to be a DA Champion, but want to book a place on a specific course, then please just email us to reserve your place. If you have not yet registered, but meet the description above, then go to the Champions page on this website and apply online.
For further information please contact Rachel Axtell on or 01753 477352.

This is not just about the initial training; it is an ongoing role with regular updates and offers further opportunities to learn and network with partner agencies to develop better communication between agencies at a practitioner level.

We are specifically seeking practitioners or professionals from:

  • Health — community HCPs, hospitals, mental health teams
  • Education — early years, primary, secondary and tertiary/higher
  • Care and support staff
  • Probation
  • Social care — adult and child
  • Police and security
  • Court services (civil and criminal)
  • Voluntary sector practitioners
  • Community organisations such as youth or faith groups

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