Buckinghamshire Support Services

In Buckinghamshire, thousands of people are affected by domestic abuse every year.

The Buckinghamshire Domestic Abuse Board is dedicated to helping victims and preventing abuse, and will continue in their task to make the county and its residents as safe as possible.

For the most up to date information please visit the Buckinghamshire Domestic Abuse Partnership site.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 999


Domestic Abuse Support Services

Contact Us | Wycombe Womens Aid

Wycombe Women’s Aid (WWA)

WWA covers Wycombe, Chiltern and South Bucks. They provide support to women and children experiencing the effects of domestic abuse by offering safe, temporary and emergency accommodation as well as practical and emotional support within the refuge and through outreach in the local community.
Wycombe Women’s Aid provides:

  • Helpline
  • Support for women and children living in the refuge
  • Counselling
  • Outreach
  • IDVA
  • Youth Work

You can access the above services via telephone and a variety of video and messaging platforms.
Website: www.wycombewomensaid.org.uk
Helpline: 01494 461367

Thames Valley Police Buckinghamshire Domestic Abuse Investigation Unit

The local Domestic Abuse Investigation Unit can be contacted via the 24-hour Thames Valley Police non-emergency number (101). In an emergency always call 999.

Aylesbury Women's Aid logo | Aylesbury Town Council

Aylesbury Women’s Aid (AWA)

AWA covers Aylesbury Vale and The Chilterns and exists for the benefit of all women and their children who are or have experienced physical, mental, emotional, financial or sexual abuse in their relationships and to offer support, information, advice, access to temporary safe accommodation and aftercare. It operates from a feminist perspective and is committed to the principle of self-help and encourages women to determine their own futures by making information available in an accessible way and supporting women to make their own choices. You can make a referral via their website.

Website: www.aylesburywomensaid.org.uk
Helpline: 01296 436827 / 01296 437777

Out of hours: 07742162484

Children & Young People

The Buckinghamshire Council Commissioned service for families and young people is SASH. They are a partnership project providing support to children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse or sexual harm. This project brings together specialist and established services from SAASSBMK and SAFE!. They provide support to Children, and Young People aged 5 to 18 years by delivering a responsive, individually tailored specialist support service in Buckinghamshire to those who have been affected by rape, sexual assault, and domestic abuse.

Website: www.sashbucks.org.uk

Make a Referral: https://cms.safeproject.org.uk/refer?service=4

Phone number: 07546561186


Reducing the Risk of Domestic Abuse

Find out about all available training here

Sign in to the Hub: https://www.hub.reducingtherisk.org.uk/homepage

Legal Services

The Good Exchange

Flag DV

FLAG DV, Free Legal Advice Group for Domestic Violence, is a charity providing free legal advice from family law solicitors. They focus on empowerment, protection and choice and operate across Thames Valley in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. To access their service, please complete their referral form. They also operate a phone line ensuring all victims can access the service. Support is available to any domestic abuse victim in the Thames Valley, no matter their gender, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Website: www.flagdv.org.uk

Phone: 01635 015854 Mon/Wed/Fri 11am – 1pm (voicemail service outside of these hours)

Email: enquiries@flagdv.org.uk

Specialist Services

Sexual Abuse and Support Service Bucks and Milton Keynes

This service provides support to females and males aged 16 and over living in Aylesbury Vale and Milton Keynes who have experienced sexual assault and abuse, and males living in Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes who have experienced domestic abuse, with the aim of enabling survivors to live fulfilling lives. They provide an IDVA service for male victims of domestic abuse and have a useful flyer and leaflet about these services.

Aylesbury Phone: 01296 392468
MK Phone: 01908 201971
Website: https://saassbmk.org.uk/

SAM-Support After Assault and Abuse for Men

Free, Confidential and Non-judgemental support for the Male Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse

Phone: 01296 392478/ 01908 201971
Email: support@samproject.org.uk
Website: https://samproject.org.uk/

Housing and Homeless Services

For the most up to date information please click here.

If you are a victim of domestic abuse and you need to move to keep yourself and your family safe you can contact any local authority to make a homeless application. This is particularly important if you are not safe in your current accommodation.

If you are a tenant of a housing association, you should also speak with them. They may have homes in other areas and be able to assist you to move and avoid the need for you to move into temporary accommodation.

If you’re at risk of homelessness, fill in the housing assistance form.

If you have a housing related emergency, contact us by phone.

For the Aylesbury and Wycombe areas call 0800 999 7677 – follow the prompts to speak to one of our officers for advice and assistance.

For the Chiltern and South Bucks areas call 0207 093 6443 – your details will be taken and passed to an out of hours duty officer to call you to further discuss your situation and offer appropriate advice and assistance.

Useful Documents

Buckinghamshire Domestic Abuse Partnership aims to better inform victims and professionals across the county by providing a one stop shop of information. For victims it includes the support offer and how to access it if you think you might be experiencing domestic abuse. Toolkits and guidance are available for professionals in Bucks to ensure a clear approach to engaging with victims (including children and young people) and perpetrators and successfully delivering in our “tell us once” ethos.

Domestic Abuse- What is it?– A guide to help you spot the signs of domestic abuse (DA)and how to deal with it.
Buckinghamshire Domestic Abuse Partnership Website– Informative flyer
Worried about Domestic Abuse?– Downloadable Poster
Domestic Abuse Champions– Reducing the Risk of DA- information leaflet

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