West Berkshire Support Services

We have collated some West Berkshire services, general and specialist, to help those affected by domestic abuse.

They include services for victim-survivors, but also for family and friends, perpetrators, and children living with domestic abuse.

If you would like further information about Domestic Abuse support in West Berkshire, please visit the West Berkshire Council website.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 999

West Berks

Domestic Abuse Support Services

The Good Exchange

Berkshire Women’s Aid

BWA’s helpline provides you with time to talk about your options and a chance to be listened to. You can get information about housing, legal, financial, council and other services related to domestic abuse. You can also get help with somewhere safe to stay if you are too frightened to stay at home. Berkshire Women’s Aid support survivors of all genders. Please contact Berkshire Women’s Aid via the contact details below.
Website: www.berkshirewomensaid.org.uk
Helpline: 0808 801 0882
Email: helpdesk@bwaid.org.uk

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

A MARAC is held in West Berkshire on a monthly basis. MARAC stands for Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference which focuses on creating safety plans for high-risk domestic abuse victims. If a client is identified as being high-risk the case should be referred to the MARAC via your agency’s Designated MARAC Officer (DMO).

If you do not have a DMO within your organisation, please contact the West Berkshire MARAC Coordinator. If you are unsure about who to contact or would like some further advice please get in touch.
Email: westberksbct@westberks.gov.uk

The Emergency Duty Service (EDS)

EDS are available when the West Berkshire Council offices are closed if there is an emergency safeguarding concern for either a child or adult. This includes evenings and 24-hours on weekends and bank holidays.
Phone: 01344 351999
Email: edt@bracknell-forest.gov.uk

Services For Children

West Berkshire Children’s Services

If you are concerned about a child in West Berkshire, it is important that you talk to someone about this. Please contact Contact Advice Assessment Service (CAAS) within working hours for a member of staff to deal with your concern, alternatively, you can email.
Website: www.info.westberks.gov.uk/cfservices
Phone: 01635 503090
Email: child@westberks.gov.uk

PACT Bounce Back 4 Kids

Bounce Back 4 Kids (BB4K) is a support programme developed by PACT that uses therapeutic techniques to support children who have been affected by or witnessed domestic abuse. The programme works with children and their parents or carers to heal from trauma through a series of therapeutic support sessions.

Phone:0118 402 1733
Email: BB4K@pactcharity.org
Website: About BB4K – PACT 

Justice Services

Oxford Witness Service

If an individual is going to court as a witness or victim of crime, the Witness Service can provide free and confidential support to help them cope. Family and friends who are attending court can get help too and the Witness Service supports witnesses for both the prosecution and defence. The Witness Service can also provide support to children at court.

The Witness Service can give the individual:

  • Someone to talk to confidentially, about how they feel before a trial
  • Information about what to expect in court, including a chance to see the court beforehand and learn about court procedures
  • A quiet place to wait before the individual is called to give evidence
  • Someone to go with the witness into the courtroom if they want, to help them feel more at ease
  • Practical help (for example with claiming expenses)
  • Easier access to people, such as court staff, who can answer specific questions about the case
  • A chance to talk over the case when it has ended and to get more help or information

The Witness Service is free and independent of the police or courts.

Phone: 01865 240957 / 01865 727753

Reducing the Risk | Dedicated to the safety of adults and children at risk of domestic abuse

Court IDVA Service

Reducing the Risk Court IDVA Service supports high-risk victim-survivors of domestic abuse apply for civil orders and navigate the court process. For more information about the service, visit our Court IDVA page.

Support with Injunctions

There are a number of possible options for any victim of domestic abuse regarding family court. If you are on a low income or think you cannot afford to pay for one privately, you can use the Ministry of Justice Legal Aid Calculator to see if you qualify for help.

The Law Society website can help in finding a qualified solicitor whether privately or, if you qualify, a Legal Aid Provider in family law. The search facility is useful in identifying local firms in any area.

Housing and Homeless Services

Housing Options Team (West Berkshire Council)

If you are in a domestic abuse relationship, the Housing Options Team can give advice and assistance. We can also put you in touch with other services that can help. Depending on your personal circumstances, we may be able to:

  • Help you find a refuge placement
  • Use our Safer Spaces Scheme to help make your current home a safer environment
  • Put you in touch with an outreach worker who specialises in domestic abuse cases
  • Provide advice on seeking an injunction or non-molestation order
  • Provide advice on seeking an occupation order

Website: www.info.westberks.gov.uk/article/28818

Safer Spaces Scheme

If you are a tenant living in a housing association property please discuss this further with your housing officer who will be able to make the relevant referral. A home visit will then usually be made by the Housing Officer and any necessary works are undertaken by the maintenance teams.

If you are not living in a housing association property then please contact our Housing Team, using the contact details below, and they can assist you with making a referral for any works to be completed.
Phone: 01635 519530
Email: housing@westberks.gov.uk

Service for Vulnerable Adults

West Berkshire Adult Safeguarding

If you are concerned about an adult being abused or neglected in West Berkshire, raise a safeguarding concern to get help. Please contact the Safeguarding Adults team within working hours for a member of staff to deal with your concern, alternatively, you can email.
Website: www.info.westberks.gov.uk/safeguardingadults
Phone: 01635 519056
Email: safeguardingadults@westberks.gov.uk


Domestic Abuse Awareness Training

West Berkshire offers a 1 day Domestic Abuse Awareness training for multi-agency professionals and community organisations and individuals. This training will provide attendees with an increased awareness of domestic abuse and develop attendees’ knowledge of the effects and dynamics of domestic abuse, types of partner violence, complexities in leaving abusive relationships, power and control and the impact of domestic abuse on children and young people.

If you would like to attend a Domestic Abuse Awareness training, please sign up to the RtR Hub and then visit the WB Training page. Once you identify an event, you can simply book a place.

West Berkshire Domestic Abuse Champions Network

West Berkshire embraces the Champions model. Domestic Abuse Champions are multi-agency professionals, community organisations and individuals trained to have a more extensive understanding of domestic abuse and its impact.

Domestic abuse champions are able to advise others and ensure they are aware of, and have access to, local resources and support. Champions have a fundamental role in cascading learning and awareness. The network also supports partnership understanding and sharing of knowledge.

Domestic Abuse Champions training is a 1 day training which will provide attendees with an introduction to their champions role and support attendees knowledge and confidence of completing risk assessments, risk management, safety planning and support services available for victims, survivors, children and young people and perpetrators.

Please note that to attend Domestic Abuse Champions’ training in West Berkshire you need to have previously attended the one-day Domestic Abuse Awareness training.

If you would like to become a Domestic Abuse Champion, please see available training dates and book on via Reducing the Risk’s online hub.

If you would like further information or guidance, please email westberksbct@westberks.gov.uk or call 01635 519982.

Specialist Services

Project Salama

Project Salama is a domestic abuse charity who specialise in working with ethnic minority communities and understanding the impact of culture on all relationships. They provide emotional, practical support and services to help people who face challenging situations compounded by abuse. They are also helping individuals affected by post separation abuse and we aim to empower individuals.

They are now running Freedom Program training for survivors and victims, and VOICE (Victims of Intimate Coercive Experience) training for survivors and victims.

Phone: 01635 953588
Email: info.projectsalama@gmail.com
Website: projectsalama.co.uk

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