Domestic Abuse Training

RtR’s approach is innovative and informed by our 20 years of experience in training around Domestic Abuse. We understand the needs of victim-survivors and our training is dynamic and adapted to providing up-to-date best-practices for the people who support them.

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2) I am..
2) I am...
2) I am....
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We Recommend E-Learning or joining DA Friends!


Our Basic Domestic Abuse Awareness E-learning can be completed in your own time. It's the perfect, affordable way to up-skill yourself without a great time commitment. Sign up to our Hub and access our E-Learning via the Shop!

Click here to go to the Hub

DA Friends

DA Friends know how to Listen, Link, and Lend a hand. Find out more about DA Friends, their fundraising activities, and how to become one by heading over to our DA Friends page.

Take me there!

We Recommend our DA Champions page!

DA Champions

We're thrilled you'd like to become a DA Champion! You can see what our training covers by checking out our DA Champions' Training Catalogue

We cover Oxfordshire, West Berks, Buckinghamshire, Torbay and Slough. If you are in these areas, just follow the easy steps on our DA Champions page to sign up  Click here 

Outside of these areas but still want training? Get in touch:

We Recommend checking the Hub for the latest training!

RtR Hub

We recommend looking on the HUB under the training and events tab to see what new training we have available.

You can also check out our Power Hour Catalogue or our Specialist Services Catalogue to see what your organisation might need!

Click here to go to the HUB

We Recommend our DA Champions page!

RtR DA Champions Training

We're thrilled you'd like to become a DA Champion! You can see what our training covers by checking out our DA Champions' Training Catalogue

We cover Oxfordshire, West Berks, Buckinghamshire, Torbay and Slough. If you are in these areas, just follow the easy steps on our DA Champions page to sign up  Click here 

Outside of these areas but still want training? Get in touch:

We need a bit more information to make our recommendation

To help us understand what your organisational needs are, please fill out our enquiry form by clicking here.

Click here to see our Specialist Services Training Catalogue

We Recommend Domestic Abuse Awareness Certification

Become a DA Aware Organisation, check out the information below to find out more!

We Recommend Torch Bearer Certification

Become a Torch Bearing Organisation, check out the information below to find out more!

Training for Organisations

DA Aware Organisations

What we help you achieve:

  • Have a Policy Statement on Domestic Abuse
  • Awareness for all staff E-learning
  • Have DA Friends to Listen, Link, and Lend a Hand
  • Have DA support information on display

TorchBearer Organisations

What we help you achieve:

  • Have a Policy Statement on Domestic Abuse
  • Awareness for all staff E-learning
  • Have DA Friends to Listen, Link, and Lend a Hand
  • Have DA support information on display
  • Have a documented process for managing DA
  • Have workplace RtR DA Champions
  • Have staff trained in how to risk assess & safety plan

Browse our Training Catalogues

Specialist Services Catalogue
DA Champions Training Catalogue
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I am more confident when talking to survivors, and I think they feel more confident in me knowing I have had specific training.
RtR Training
I would feel totally out of my depth without this. Being an RtR Domestic Abuse Champion also protects my mental health as it makes me feel part of the bigger fight against domestic abuse.
RtR Training

Fantastically well thought out course. Lovely trainers who instead of just reading from slides made it ‘human’ and allowed for conversation to form part of the training. Great networking opportunity. Friendly and welcoming. Trauma informed and aware.

RtR Training

The networking side of the course was fantastic and I found it very valuable that I heard from many different professional job roles points of view and experience.

RtR Training

I would feel totally out of my depth without this. Being an RtR Domestic Abuse Champion also protects my mental health as it makes me feel part of the bigger fight against domestic abuse.

RtR. Training
I just feel that Reducing the Risk’s training has helped many people understand the issues so much more.
RtR Training
I thought it was a great introduction to the topic and provided opportunities for further reading to increase understanding. I think every organisation should be required to attend sessions like these to increase awareness.
RtR Training
I did Champions training many years ago, and it was this training that really made me understand and changed my practice and sparked my interest in domestic abuse.
RtR Training
As someone relatively new to the service and with limited professional experience of domestic abuse I found this course comprehensive and invaluable. Thank you!
RtR Training
Excellent information. Delivered really well. Really thought provoking. Social workers should do this training
RtR Training
I thought it was a great introduction to the topic and provided opportunities for further reading to increase understanding. I think every organisation should be required to attend sessions like these to increase awareness.
RtR Training
I would feel totally out of my depth without this. Being an RtR Domestic Abuse Champion also protects my mental health as it makes me feel part of the bigger fight against domestic abuse.
RtR Training
I just feel that Reducing the Risk’s training has helped many people understand the issues so much more.
RtR Training