Reducing the Risk of Domestic Abuse
Dedicated to the safety of adults and children at risk of domestic abuse and to the empowerment of the professionals and volunteers who support them.
Reducing the Risk is an Oxfordshire-based charity. We work locally, regionally and nationally to empower professionals, volunteers and communities who support victim-survivors of domestic abuse.

Dedicated to the safety of adults and children at risk of domestic abuse and to the empowerment of the professionals and volunteers who support them.
Reducing the Risk is an Oxfordshire-based charity. We work locally, regionally and nationally to empower professionals, volunteers and communities who support victim-survivors of domestic abuse.
Domestic Abuse Champions are crucial in our effort to recognise and support those experiencing domestic abuse.
Poorly handled interventions can potentially make the situations worse and could mean people stay longer in the abusive relationship.
Reducing the Risk is dedicated to up-skilling everybody in the workforce.
The Senior Court IDVA was helpful at every step of the way with this extremely difficult case and without her I would not have been able to do this and understand all the court procedures.
The networking side of the course was fantastic and I found it very valuable that I heard from many different professional job roles points of view and experience.
She supported me at court and even looked after my son whilst I did the pre-trial visit. I couldn’t have done any of this without her support.
Fantastically well thought out course. Lovely trainers who instead of just reading from slides made it ‘human’ and allowed for conversation to form part of the training. Great networking opportunity. Friendly and welcoming. Trauma informed and aware.
I did Champions training many years ago, and it was this training that really made me understand and changed my practice and sparked my interest in domestic abuse.
I just feel that Reducing the Risk’s training has helped many people understand the issues so much more.
I would feel totally out of my depth without this. Being an RtR Domestic Abuse Champion also protects my mental health as it makes me feel part of the bigger fight against domestic abuse.
I have been provided with emotional support guidance and counselling. I don’t know what I would have done. I felt so broken, lifeless and tearful.
She liaised with the council and housing association with securing accommodation much quicker for me and my daughter as well as ensuring a guardcam was installed at my current address.
She supported me at court and even looked after my son whilst I did the pre-trial visit. I couldn’t have done any of this without her support.
Translated from Urdu: You saved my life, if you didn’t find me when you did then I would be dead. Without you I didn’t know anything. I didn’t know how to access help. Thanks to you I am alive today and I pray for you all every day.
I thought it was a great introduction to the topic and provided opportunities for further reading to increase understanding. I think every organisation should be required to attend sessions like these to increase awareness.
Excellent information. Delivered really well. Really thought provoking. Social workers should do this training